Uncertain Confidence

woman in pines

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you will have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 AMP

“It’s all up to you.” I took it to heart from a young age.  I was in control of my success, my failures and my future. It was all up to me. Or so I thought.

I had my share of failures. Usually, it involved some kind of team sport. But that’s okay I thought, I will take on something new and succeed. I was building my confidence, bit by bit, by what I could do.  I learned quickly that my ability to take on new tasks, and get it done, gave me what I wanted – control and the security of success.

It started when I was young.  Oh how the deceiver can get into the mind of our tender hearts at a young age!  It felt good to make the grade, win awards, and receive recognition –  which translated into adult life as work hard, work smarter, figure it all out (for you and everybody else), then you will be sure and satisfied.

The problem is, every time I failed, I doubted myself more and more.  Over the years, my young-at-heart confidence turned to uncertainty. But I kept trying. I must have been doing something wrong. I just needed to get it right.

I am not sure when God began reveal to me that I had it all wrong. It wasn’t about what I was doing, but what and who I was believing. Lightening did not strike, there was not a sudden miraculous change of heart. It was a slow healing that required I dig deep into God’s Word to find the truth about the confidence of my heart.

Confidence is in Christ.

Not in what I can do.

Not in what others think I can do.

Not in what others think.

In Christ.

The truth of God’s Word reassured me (and still does) its not all on me. I believed in Christ. He was no doubt my Lord and Savior. But I needed to do more than just believe in Him, I needed to start believing his promises.

Could he really fill my empty spaces? Is his grace enough when the world wants so much more?

I can finally say YES!

His Word tells us that we will have trials, distress and suffering. But his promises tell us that HE, not we, will overcome this world.

God took me from the emptiness of over-confident and uncertain, to a life filled with His confidence and grace. He is Lord over all. Place your confidence where it belongs my friend. In Him!

Thank you Jesus for my life R E M A D E , Becky.