The Truth About Lies

reading newspaper

“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” John 17:14

The recent truth about fake news is that it doesn’t have much of an impact on its readers or on its subject. We’ve been warned, we been educated, but we are still attracted to the stories that are riddled with lies or part-truth. Websites like and will either back the story or put a stop to the lie.

Most fake news starts off strong but rarely finds itself in the history books.  In days gone by, journalists were considered truth seekers. Their mission – investigate. Ask questions. Expose the lie. Reveal the truth. Today, most of us can authenticate a story. We simply need to log on and start our own little investigation to discover the truth about lies.

I wish I could say that the fake news in my own life has had little impact on its subject (me), and its primary audience (me again).  If we open the history book to my life, you will find that I am guilty of buying into some big lies.

I am alone.

I have no purpose.

I am too tired.

Things will never change.

“… When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

I never intended to believe him, but the lies can seem so real. The devil is the accuser and the deceiver. I was fooled.

At some point, struggling to stay confident of who I am in Christ, a good friend pointed out to me, “Becky, you are believing lies. The only way to stop believing lies is to find the truth.”

Though I knew the Truth Maker, I wasn’t letting him lead me by his truth.

“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.” Psalm 25:4-5

When I put my hope in Christ I am no longer alone (Joshua 1:9).  I am no longer without purpose (Jeremiah 29:11).  I will grow strong in the Lord (Isaiah 40:31).  And his glory will be made known because of the great things he has done.

The lies I once believed are replaced with truth! Oh, how I am thankful for my dear friend that encourage me to seek the truth. It is my hope and my prayer that you too experience the life-changing truth of his word.

Thank you Jesus for guiding me by your truth to a life R E M A D E, Becky