Seasons of Why

woman on dirt road

We all are sent. The question is always when, where and why. I’ve always struggled with the why. The why is your calling, your purpose, what you’re meant to do. I’ve worn a lot of hats. Most of them have worn me out. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually. Tired.  The result of trying to figure out why in the heck am I here and what in the heck am I doing. 

Seasons of Why

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

God has reminded me lately that our “why” comes in seasons. It’s may not be like that for everybody and that’s okay. But he knows my heart, my circumstances and my willingness to go wherever the wind blows, and where he takes me. He knows your heart too! Lately, the wind has blown like a literal hurricane in most of our lives. My heart hurts for hurting people. For those who are worn out – physically, emotionally and spiritually tired.

So I paint the Glory of God hoping and praying that it brings a joyful reminder that the beauty he created is still there. He is sovereign over all the earth. He is sovereign over our lives. My life, your life, there is still beauty. I hope you see it. For now, this is my why. I hope he keeps me here a while. I am thankful for this blessing and new direction in my life.

The Purpose of Why

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

But… we have to be careful that our why does not become our where we turn for help, hope and happiness. Our blessing can be a curse if we forget that our relationship with Christ is at the center of it all. All the aspirations, dreams of success and celebrations don’t count if we forget to glorify the God who gives us purpose. He, nothing else, no one else, gives us purpose.

More times than not, the world paints a different picture of our “why” and our purpose. That’s why it’s so easy to think more about success than faithfulness. It’s a battle that I will probably always face. I want to be successful. And because I believe God will use me for his Glory, I pray for success, and for faithfulness. Along the way, I have to remind myself to be faithful is a much greater accomplishment for it takes a greater sacrifice.

Why It’s Worth the Fight

The fight might look different for you, but for me, it looks a little like me in a ring – with me. I struggle with old habits and ways of thinking that hinder my purpose, hurt my happiness and my ability to help others. I can’t express how important the Word of God and time in prayer has been to winning those battles.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

So what I am getting at is this. God gives us purpose. Ultimately, He is our why. But be prepared to battle all the other reasons our human self will dream up while we are about our work. Be prepared by being in the Word of God, every day. Be prepared by pouring your heart out to him in prayer, every day.

Then… go about your why with passion and purpose that will be a light in the darkness. Let God lead you through scripture and prayer knowing that your light might not shine like you thought it would. He may have a greater plan and that’s okay. More than okay, it’s you why! Remember too that you are not alone. This message is for me as much as it is anybody out there.



P.S. Think about your why, maybe it’s a new season for you too.