Not a Fairy Tale

reading a fairy tale

“Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1

When the Lord called out to Abram, “go,” Abraham and Sara went. It seems so simple when you read it on the crisp white pages of God’s Word. If it were only that easy. You hear God, you do what he says and poof – your pumpkin turns into a carriage and you are no longer slave to your circumstances. Suddenly, you find your happily ever after. End of story.

But our lives are not crisp and clean like those pages in the Bible. And they are for sure no fairy tale. They are messy and stained with a past that keeps us running away from our happily ever after.

Reading our Bible can be a little like reading a fairy tale for the fifth time. We know, or we think we know, the end of the story. We rush through chapter and verse quietly whispering, “I wish my life went that way.” Then we move on as if it’s only a fairy tale.

My dear friend, it is not a fairy tale.  God’s Word is true. The characters of His Word walked this earth with heartache and pain just like me and you.

As I flip back and forth between the chapters in Genesis, I stumble on the aching of their hearts.  Abraham and Sarah lacked nothing in terms of earthly treasure. Abraham was wealthy and wise. Sarah was beautiful. Their lives were a fairy tale to be lived out happily ever after.

They had it all. Except what their hearts so deeply desired – a child.

Sarah was barren. Wealth, wisdom and beauty could not comfort her. Could not console her. Could not care for her. Could not bring her a child to call her own.

But God could. And eventually He did.

My heart sinks when I hear that word. Eventually. It’s the same as telling me not now. Wait. I have a better plan. Deep down, I want God’s better plan because my better plan fails every time. But I don’t want it eventually, I want it easily.

Abraham and Sarah did not wake up one morning and bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, there’s a baby.  They answered God’s call not knowing His plan or His path – just His promise.

But they answered. They answered God’s call and went.

Even if God’s promise to you seems like a far-away land, unimaginable, unattainable. Even if you feel unworthy – answer His call and follow Him.

We are tempted to jump to the end of the story and skip over the hard stuff. As if saying yes to God will instantly turn our battered worn out souls into the proverbial ball gown. It doesn’t.

After Abraham and Sarah said yes, they faced famine and fall-out with family. They feared for their lives and at moments, failed in their faith. But they were never alone. God was with them, he went before them, he led the way. And at the appointed time, He made the impossible possible.

“Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.” (Genesis 18:14)

At the appointed time. It’s a lot like eventually. But it’s not. God has already written your story. And it’s not a fairy tale. It is a beautifully written masterpiece where the author weaves together the torn and battered shreds of life and creates something new, someone new. But we will never know the beauty of that something, or become that someone, unless we first say yes to following God.

Then… as we wait and long for the appointed time, our story reveals the deep love of a sovereign God that longs to be in relationship with us.

God’s love for you is real. (Jeremiah 31:3)

God’s plans for you are good, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

God is calling you so that He can bear your burdens. (Matthew 11:28-30)

Every time. Every single time. No exceptions. When I start to write my own Cinderella story, I fail. We can fixate on fairytales, put our future in the hands of false gods, or…

We can say yes and run patiently the race of life with a faith that is authored by Christ who is seated at the right hand of God. (Hebrews 12:12)

Something to Think About

Who is writing your story?

How are you settling for a fairy tale when God wants to create in you a masterpiece?