Meeting Together When We Can’t Be Together

Woman in Virtual Meeting

While we are navigating a new normal for now, many of us are missing time in prayer and Bible study with our family, friends and in our small groups at church. I’ve seen more DIY projects, baked goods and home organization going on now than ever. In times of crisis, we tend to do what we know. Familiarity is comfortable and safe. Staying busy is good, but let’s take a step back and make sure we aren’t falling into the same trap of busyness. God has given us the gift of time. Remember, being busy doesn’t make us better. Time with the Savior will make us stronger.

“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Christ Jesus. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the Glory of God” Romans 15:4-7

I hope your personal time in God’s Word and in prayer is stronger than ever.  I hope you have found a way to stay connected and be encouraged by the Scriptures and by one another. Now is not the time to quit meeting together my friends! Thankfully, technology can help us to “meet together” when we can’t be together. This next week my life group is going to try out ZOOM.

Meeting Together When We Can’t Be Together

ZOOM is an easy computer application that offers a free account for users to meet 40 minutes with up to 100 people. My group is made up of about 25 women, of all ages. We need something simple to make this meeting happen. While your meeting organizer needs to have some computer skills, attendees simply login in a few easy steps. Since I am putting together a “how-to log in and join” for my group, I thought I would share it with you too! And please feel free to pass it along. If you are the techie in your group and need to get your group started on virtual meetings, ZOOM has lots of video tutorials for the meeting organizer. Or you can contact me, and I will be glad to help! To find out how our meeting went, visit me on Facebook or Instagram!

Here it goes…

How to Log In and Attend a Meeting with ZOOM

You have two basic options to attend: (1) from a computer such as a desktop or a laptop or, (2) from a mobile app on your phone. You can join even if you don’t download the zoom software. A webcam isn’t required but chances are your friends and family want to see your sweet face! No microphone, that’s okay too. There is a chat function where you can type and share what it is you have to say. But, if you want to hear what is going on, your computer will need a speaker. When using the ZOOM App on a mobile device, you are ready to go with both audio and video.

If Joining from a Computer

If your meeting organizer has provided you a link to the meeting, you are a step ahead. Simply open the link and get started. If your meeting organizer sent you a meeting id and password, go to Whether you get started with a link or go to the next few steps are the same.

  1. Once you are at the join page, enter the meeting id provided by your meeting organizer.
  2. Follow the prompt in the dialog box that opens on the page and select If nothing prompts from the browser or the dialog box doesn’t appear, follow the click here command on the screen to launch the meeting and continue.
  3. You will be prompted to enter the password provided by the meeting organizer. Enter the password and select Join.
  4. Select Join With Computer Audio, or Test Speaker and Microphone, and join when complete.
  5. Once you join the meeting you will see a menu of options at the bottom of the page. To turn on video, select the camera icon in the task pane at the bottom of the page. You may want to navigate the interface to adjust other options such as mute/unmute, participants, chat, raise hand and disconnect or leave meeting. The location of these options will differ depending on your computer’s operating system. Options are described in more detail below.

If Joining from a Mobile Device

  1. Download the ZOOM app in your app store
  2. Select Join a Meeting and enter the meeting id provided by the meeting organizer
  3. Enter or change your personal link name and click Join.
  4. When prompted, enter the meeting password and click Continue
  5. Follow the prompt so that you can hear others and select call using internet audio.
  6. You are now logged in to the meeting but may want to navigate the app interface to adjust options such as mute/unmute, video, participants, chat, raise hand and disconnect or leave meeting. The location of these options will differ depending on your phone’s operating system.

Using ZOOM Options for a Better Meeting

If you are using ZOOM for the first time, you should take the time to explore the different options so that you know where they are located in your operating system.

  1. Mute/un-mute: select the microphone icon option to mute or unmute your audio. Some organizers may not give attendees control over this option to help keep the meeting better managed. Remember, if you are on unmute, attendees can hear everything you may have playing in the background.
  2. Video: you may attend a meeting with, or without video. Simply select the camera icon to turn off and on. If you are worried about how you might look you can always go to your meeting settings and select the option to “Touch Up My Appearance.”
  3. Participants: Select the participant icon to see who has joined the meeting and whether their microphone and video is off or on.
  4. Chat: select the chat option to send a written message. You may send your message to everyone or only the meeting host.
  5. Raise Hand: The raise hand option is especially helpful in large meeting settings where the meeting organizer may have muted attendees to help better manage conversation. If you select the raise hand option, a message is sent to the meeting organizer that you have raised your hand, indicating you would like to speak.
  6. To leave the meeting you may select leave meeting or disconnect. Your name will be removed from the list of attendees.