Light and Momentary Affliction

Llama art by Becky Reeder
~ Original artwork “Glory” by Becky Reeder – 16×20 acrylic on canvas – Copyright 2019 ~

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Light and Momentary Affliction

My light and momentary affliction felt more like a life sentence. I was wasting away working at a job I hated, or maybe it hated me. All I could see is what was in front of me. And it wasn’t good.

Dear God, “How could this be preparing me for an eternal weight of glory?” I was looking for a big answer to my problem, but God was teaching that I was the problem. I didn’t need to be rescued; I needed my inner-most self to be renewed.

“Endure hardship as discipline, God is treating you as his children.” Hebrews 12:7

While I was focused on my circumstances, God was fine-tuning my character. His discipline was renewing my heart and teaching me to rely less on myself and more on him. It wasn’t easy and it didn’t come naturally. Instead of driving myself to succeed, I had to deny myself and surrender.

So began the renewing of my heart and it started with the llama in 2 Corinthians 4:17 – a light and momentary affliction. (LL. A. M. A.) This was not the end of the world, and God was going to use it for good.

God will use your llama for good too!

My llama was with me for longer than I’d hoped, but God’s Word assured me that if I fixed my eyes on Him, I would make it through the tough stuff. And I did.

So will you.

To be honest, my circumstances didn’t change all that much, but I learned to lean on God for strength… and sanity. The simple thought of the llama made me smile. And when I was faced with affliction, his Word gave me affirmation that this trouble was achieving something greater than I could see.

The Llama and Something More Serious

It was years later when faced with a life-long illness, lupus, that sleepless nights of pain brought to mind the llama under more serious circumstances. But the thought of the llama still made me smile and God’s promise healed my soul even when my body was broken. Born of affliction is the painting I titled “Glory.” Little did I know that many lives would be touched by the stroke of a brush in the middle of a sleepless night. Over 30 prints of the llama are displayed in someone else’s home or workplace and reminds them of the promise of hope in their time of affliction.

Back to the Word

Let’s revisit the passage in 2 Corinthians 4:16. Paul begins by telling the people of Corinth, “we do not lose heart” even though “outwardly we are wasting away.” When the Word of God says don’t lose heart, I am listening! It is so easy to get down-and-out when it seems like there is no end to our problems. Serious problems. The Greek phrase for “wasting away” translates to destroy utterly. But read on. There is hope! The last phrase in verse 16 says we are being renewed, or made new, each passing day.

I love how Alexander MacLaren, a 19th-century pastor testifies the truth of this passage. “I am sure that among my hearers there are some who can thankfully attest that they were brought nearer to God by some short, sharp sorrow than by many long days of prosperity.”

Dear friend, our problems that can utterly destroy us are working to radically renew us.

And what do we get for all our “llama” troubles? Eternal Glory! (2 Corinthians 4:17) We will be brought nearer to God, where even here on earth, we can catch of glimpse of his Eternal Glory.

I hope my llama story has touched your heart and brought you closer to trusting God. And I hope my artwork “Glory” reminds you that the problems we face are but for a moment. God’s love and his grace are eternal. There is more than this life! ~ Becky