Lessons From the Fig


“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.” Matthew 24:32

When we moved to Texas, I had no idea what that giant, sprawling, beautiful tree was in our back yard. Turns out it is a fig tree. The plant-loving gardener in me was curious, excited, and drawn to the gift God gave me – in the form of a tree.

I know it sounds a bit silly, but if you have ever moved and left behind the familiarity of “home” then you know it is the little things, or big figs, that remind you of God’s love, his provision and peace-giving Spirit. I knew I was going to miss the Midwest, its rich soil for gardening and the rolling hills of corn fields lined by the cover of large deciduous trees. From the fig I was reminded that God was doing something new, and it was good.

Until the storm.

My treasured fig tree barely survived the Texas ice storm of the century. It’s not made for three-degree temperatures or the freezing rain that formed a cover of ice on its sturdy, but tender branches. Ultimately, it will survive the storm. And so will we.

There is new growth.

We may have to cut back our twenty-foot fig to the ground, where new growth has appeared. It saddens my heart to lose what we had… what I treasured in that fig.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about that fig. There are so many things in my life that I have treasured and are now gone. Good health, promising careers and lasting friendships have suffered through storms. So now, like the fig, God has pruned my soul and taught me lessons – but there is new growth. And with new growth comes new life.

Leaving behind what was is hard, but it is often what draws us closer to God and His purpose for our lives, and a reminder that above all we must treasure our Lord and his saving grace that came through his son Jesus. New life begins with Him and He is always working to sanctifying us. (Romans 6:22)

Friend, it is my hope and prayer that if this stormy season has blown away something you treasure that you know Christ as your Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) It is only because of Him that we can experience peace through the pruning and be excited about the new life He promises.

I am so glad I painted our fig. It has turned into a beautiful story of God’s work in our lives. Since its not budding out, I suppose we will just have to know that summer is near (Matthew 24:32) because well – it’s Texas, and its hot.



From the Fig” 5×7 oil on linen panel