More Than Art


You’re invited to join me on this new challenge- download Five Steps to Experiencing God’s Rest.  If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I’ve been seeking the scriptures to understand God’s plan for the rest. Dear friend, all we need is found in Jesus. It seems…
Posted on July 24, 2018
I’ve seen images and read the words of women who are worn out from the fight. It’s a battle that seems to have no end, yet they keep fighting. I ashamedly admit I used to quickly scroll past their tired faces, and barely glance at their hope-filled words.…
Posted on July 23, 2018
“But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made…” Luke 10:40 Distracted. We live in a world of full of distractions. Like Martha, Lazarus’s sister, I often find myself distracted because I am planning, or searching, for the next big thing. Martha was a…
Posted on July 15, 2018
“How are you today?”, we ask each other as we quickly pass by. Do you really want to know I wonder? I always answer the same, “I am good.” But that’s only half the truth.  I am good – but I am tired.  Many of us spend so…
Posted on July 8, 2018
Weekday mornings I hit the snooze button on my alarm as I listen for the coffee pot to make the last bit of brewing noises that let me know the coffee is ready.  As I lay there waiting, I pray.  I wish I could tell you that I…
Posted on July 1, 2018
As soon as I come home from work, I usually start dinner. I love to cook, and it is important for me to eat healthy and provide dinner for my family. It takes a lot of preparation to make it happen. Recipe hunting, patient days in the crowded…
Posted on June 25, 2018
The sun was blazing hot just before midday, but that wasn’t going to stop us.  We are family of conquerors, or so we tell ourselves when on vacation.  The park was not too crowded. More hikers were coming down, than going up.  We should have seen the signs.…
Posted on June 18, 2018
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