He Will Fight for You

man resting

“You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”1 Peter 3:4

I didn’t want him to see me crying. Tears ran down my cheek, he leaned over, kissed me and said, “you’re not okay” (in a you-can’t-hide-from-me sort of way.) Without looking his way, I responded “I don’t think there will ever be any more normal days for me. Something is always going to hurt.”

He was silent.

Moments later, tears were replaced by comfort. The kind of comfort only God provides.

This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life. – Psalm 119:50

Years ago, his silence would have angered me. I would speak to provoke, “Don’t you care? Why don’t you say something?” Words comfort me. I needed him to say something, anything. Or so I thought. Since that time, I have learned to love my husband for his silence.

God brought us together, a talker and a thinker, so that we would grow into a truster of Him. Share on X

God has taught me to talk less, to be still and quiet. Though we don’t always hear or see the Lord at work, he is always working. If only we would be silent.

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Exodus 14:14

The last tear fell, and I knew in that moment Michael was praying for me, and God answered. How many times did I miss out because I was ranting and raving – because I chose fear and anger over faith and adoration?

Talking, instead of trusting, satisfied my desire to be in control. In control over my circumstances and in control of my husband. If I could get him to do what I needed him to do, all would be okay, or so I thought.

“Be quiet”, the Lord began to whisper to my heart. “Let me work, and let me work in Michael. He is my gift to you, but you are keeping him from hearing me.”

One of my favorite women of the Bible is Sarah, known early on as Sarai. Her story reminds me that God’s is faithful, even when I am not.  She grew impatient with God, and with her husband. Instead of allowing God to work through Abraham, Sarah took matters into her own hands. Determined to be a woman of action, she said to her husband “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.”

When we try to control our husbands with our words, we get in the way of God’s work. But God can change our hearts, just like he did Sarah’s.  If you haven’t read her story, start in Genesis, and keep reading. Despite her failures, she grew in her relationship with the Lord. She became the mother of nations and is considered a woman of great faith.

It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep his promise. Hebrews 11:11

Sarah is last mentioned in 1 Peter. Her story gives us hope that God never gives up on us. Sarah was transformed from fearful to faithful, and from princess to the mother of a nations, descendent of Christ. God changed the heart of a woman who loved her husband and sought after the Lord. He changed mine too.

It is my hope that you allow God to teach you through your marriage. Go to his Word and discover his truth as you grow closer to Him. If your husband is indifferent to God’s work in his life, remember, God is in control. He is the fixer of all things.  He asks only for us to trust and follow Him. Sometimes that means we have to be quiet so that we can hear God speak to our hearts and let God work in our situation.

Lord, I long to be gentle, quiet, faithful and fearless. Because I trust in you, I can trust in my husband. You are in control. Help me to respect how you wired him as you draw us closer to you. Thank you for the moments of silence, when you are at work in his life and in mine.