Go In the Strength You Have

super kid

I love a good super hero movie. I’ve even day dreamed a time or two that I had superhero strength and abilities. That’s a risky confession for a grown woman. The reality is I just wish I was strong enough to open the can of jam without calling for help from my husband – or one of the kids. And when it comes to abilities, I’m still trying to figure out what I’m really good at.

I’ve worn a lot of different hats over the years, but none of them are embroidered with a bold superhero letter that symbolizes strength and ability above the rest. Just plain hats. Everyday stuff. It can be tough. It’s what life is made of. And it’s what requires more strength and ability than most of us have.

Gideon was just trying to survive. His everyday stuff put his life, and the life of his family at risk. It was big. Sometime, our everyday stuff is more than we can handle too. But read on. Gideon finds the strength he needs to overcome it.

“When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, ‘The Lord is with you mighty warrior.’” Judges 6:12

Gideon was in the middle of threshing and hiding wheat in a wine press to keep it safe from the Midianites when God appeared to him. And just like we do, Gideon questions the Lord. “But if the Lord is with us, why…” (v13)

We want answers to our why. But God didn’t give Gideon an answer. He gave him something to live for. He brought him out of hiding and gave him purpose. Save the Israelites.

“The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” Judges 6:14

And Gideon questions God a second time. Uh, excuse me God. I think you’ve got the wrong person. I am not able to do what you are asking of me, (my paraphrase).

“Pardon me, my Lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” Judges 6:15

Weak. Insignificant. Incapable. Gideon was looking inward. God is looking onward.

 “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites leaving none alive. “ Judges 6:16

If you swipe up, slide over and search social media for the encouragement you need, it won’t take long, and you will find the “You are Strong – You Can Do It” message from the trend-setters and go-getters.

It’s hard to buy in to the you’ve-got-it-in-you message when you know you don’t. Most days, I feel a lot like Gideon, questioning God about his purpose and his plans. I am not strong. My status is insignificant. And I am pretty good at hiding from the enemy. Chances are you’ve been there too.

Like a fallen superhero, the Lord appears to Gideon and reminds him that he is a mighty warrior. (Judges 6:12) Not because of his own strength, but because God is with him!

Gideon didn’t run. Gideon spent time with God. He did question him, more than once, but he trusted the God enough to follow through with His plan. “Sovereign Lord,” (Judges 6: 22) Gideon called out.  Gideon confesses that God is Lord over all. He has everything under control.

This part of Gideon’s story takes up about half a page in my Bible. But the Truth it gives overflows my heart with the assurance that the strength of God is enough to strike down the enemy that binds us in fear and keeps us from a life with purpose.

Gideon defeats the enemy. Without fear, he goes in what little strength he has and trusts the Lord. He spends time talking with the Lord and seeks to serve him in obedience. He doesn’t always get it perfect, but his heart was willing, and he put the Lord first.

God took care of the rest.


  1. Anonymous

    Very timely for me Becky! Thanks.

    April 16, 2019
  2. Nora

    Love this, and needed this!

    April 15, 2019
    1. For some reason, I am just now seeing comments! I’m so glad my story and God’s word spoke to your heart when you needed it.

      April 21, 2020

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