From Seeds of Faith to a Hope-Filled Harvest


“Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with harvest.” Psalm 126:5-6 

Anger, resentment and questions flooded my mind as we stood in the kitchen talking about what we will do when we close the farm. We were making memories, good memories, at our little business called Red Barn Farms.

The girls loved traipsing to the field with seeds in tow and waiting on customers at the candy counter. I, on the other hand, was usually hiding back the tears of motherhood. Our modest farm life required a lot of hard work. So did raising three little girls in between the demands helping to run a business.

Part of me felt relief to know that our days wondering if our old-time startup would succeed. That sense of relief didn’t last long. Just before the last few days of closing sales and clean up, we learned that we were expecting. No back up plan, no job, but a baby to occupy my questioning mind.

The tears that flooded my heart could have planted a thousand acres. Yet did I know that the heart ache of losing a business and going broke would be replaced by God’s harvest so plentiful that I would one day be thankful for the memories and rocky path we traveled.

The psalmist who wrote Psalm 126 praised God knowing that he brings good out of misfortune.  After 70 years of captivity, God’s chosen people, the Jews, were freed (Ezra 1). As they traveled a difficult journey to their homeland, Jerusalem, I am certain doubt entered their minds. The once fertile ground was now destroyed, and the road ahead seemed as difficult as the one just traveled.

Seeds of Faith

I picture a Jewish woman with her small children following after her, and her husband leading ahead.  She is traveling with a small leather sack filled with seed, held closely to her heart. The sack is worn, as she has emptied and filled it with new seed over and over again. Though the land is dry and parched, she knows that when the time comes, she will plant this seed and God will begin to grow a new harvest.

What I love most about this picture is the woman’s anticipation of the good to come. She is finished wandering in the desert. She is no longer a slave. And while the road ahead is difficult, she is willing to travel because he knows in her heart that her God, the One True God will provide a harvest.

The Harvest

So many times we wish that God would put a quick end our hardships and deliver a basket full of goodness. Let’s skip the all the tears and the doubt. Let’s move on to the joy and the harvest! But if you’ve ever watched something grow, you know how awesome it is to see a small seed turn into a thriving plant.

God knows that we need to experience growth. He wants to see us thrive.

Looking back, I could dwell on the many mistakes we made in our little farm business. But instead of regret, I can shout for joy because God took what little seed that was left and gave us hope when all seemed hopeless.

Dear friend, God is faithful. We need only to plant seeds of faith. It is my hope that you know him and follow him so that you too can grow in the light of his love.