Everything, Yes Everything Beautiful

mother and son

“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

Wait. At just the right moment, the perfection of God’s hand will reveal itself in your life. Share on X

Michael and I were married ten years when we lost our business. I remember standing in the kitchen asking why God would lead us down this road, only for it all to fail. “God’s not really worried about whether our business succeeds or fails, but what He is concerned about is our response to Him and our relationship with him.”  Michael’s answer didn’t set well with me.

I was tired. I was emotional, and I was afraid.

What I didn’t know at the time is that I was also pregnant.

How was I to tell him? Michael did not yet have another job and I couldn’t even begin to fathom what I was going to do with three little girls and now another child on the way.

I stayed at home with the girls that day while Michael continued to manage the last days on the farm and in our quaint retail store. I was too busy, and too sick to imagine how he might react.  I just went about the daily business, putting it (the baby) out of my mind.

We put the three girls to bed that night. Then while sitting on the sofa, watching our favorite crime drama, I turned to him and blurted it out, “I’m pregnant.”

He smiled. He nearly laughed out loud. Grabbing a hold of my face, he kissed me! The joy and expectation of another child, when all else was crashing down around us, was a gift from God.

We could have despaired over the loss of our business or rejoiced in God’s timing of new life. Nearly 18 years ago, God had a very specific plan for our lives, and the life of our son. (Yes, a boy!) We cannot not see God’s hand at work in every detail of our lives, but we can trust that his timing is perfect.

I now know the answer to my question why. God allowed our business to fail because he wanted us to experience his goodness and his grace. I like to say our little farm market and gift shop was before it’s time. You would have loved it! But really, it just wasn’t the time. God had other plans, another purpose in mind; to give us a son and to learn how trust and follow a perfect God.

Everything God makes, when he makes it – is beautiful.

Thank you God for your perfect timing, creating in me new life, and a life R E M A D E, Becky