Category: LIFE

While we are navigating a new normal for now, many of us are missing time in prayer and Bible study with our family, friends and in our small groups at church. I’ve seen more DIY projects, baked goods and home organization going on now than ever. In times…
Posted on April 1, 2020
I’ve been sending kids back to school, every August, for 24 years. This year back to school comes a little later in the month. I am finished with the K-12 rat race as my last kiddo starts a new chapter of his life in college. The K-12 chapter…
Posted on August 6, 2019
We could learn a few life lessons from the modernist ethic of design. Less is more. Too much is just that – too much. I’ve been cleaning out and paring down a few things around the house. I have been held captive by clutter for too long. Maybe…
Posted on July 30, 2019
Most of us think of charisma as something reserved for politics and executives, or a type of magic your born with. We all know that kid who wins over the crowd with his smile and that successful extravert that leads the company to a big win. Then there’s…
Posted on July 8, 2019
We made a stop for gas in Southern Louisiana. Vacation was over. Let me repeat that- vacation was over. I was stuck somewhere between I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed and I could totally be a beach-bum artist for the rest of my life. We…
Posted on July 1, 2019
My prayers usually go something like this. “Lord, I am so tired. I can’t do this anymore. Give me rest, or strength, or something to help me through  – maybe I’m not meant to [insert too tiring thing here.]” Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet, questioned God’s assignment from…
Posted on June 3, 2019
I don’t know what to do with my life.  I hear recent high school grads and fledgling young adults pine over about decisions to be made and lives to be lived. Secretly, I am with them. Never mind, I’ve raised four kids and had more than few career…
Posted on May 13, 2019
I love a good super hero movie. I’ve even day dreamed a time or two that I had superhero strength and abilities. That’s a risky confession for a grown woman. The reality is I just wish I was strong enough to open the can of jam without calling…
Posted on April 15, 2019
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