Category: FAITH

[REPOST, 2018] Motivated by obligation rather than want, I rolled out of bed that Sunday morning and drove myself to church. When you wait until the last minute to arrive, finding a parking place is not easy. It felt as if the only spot left was the one…
Posted on January 26, 2022
These little calves were so curious as they approached our imposing white SUV with ease. The rest of the herd either ignored us, or headed the opposite direction. The softly colored and furry calves allowed me to get close and take their picture. Though I could have stayed…
Posted on July 8, 2021
“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.” Matthew 24:32 When we moved to Texas, I had no idea what that giant, sprawling, beautiful tree was in our back yard. Turns…
Posted on April 12, 2021
We’ve heard it said, “The Lord moves in mysterious ways.” That, my friend, is an understatement. The Lord moves, and then he moves mountains. For us, the moving of mountains seems like an arduous task. But God, with a single word, can make mountains quake. He is strong.…
Posted on July 28, 2020
How to Persevere Through the Pandemic Stick with it we’re told. And for good reason. Intertwined with most success stories are examples of people who have an amazing ability to persevere through impossible circumstances. If you’ve ever waited, and waited, for your day to come you understand the…
Posted on May 14, 2020
To the believer who is unemployed, disabled or defeated. Take pride in your high position. Your humble circumstances are temporary. Easier said than done. I know. I either am, or have been all of the aforementioned identifiers. But, they are not my identity, nor are they yours. What…
Posted on May 7, 2020
I don’t have a story. Not this time. There is nothing in my past that can help you to comprehend what is going on in the world right now. I could tell you how we lost our business, or share the tough stuff in our marriage, or how…
Posted on April 9, 2020
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