Art Happens Here

We’ve heard it said, “The Lord moves in mysterious ways.” That, my friend, is an understatement. The Lord moves, and then he moves mountains. For us, the moving of mountains seems like an arduous task. But God, with a single word, can make mountains quake. He is strong. He is mighty. He really does move mountains. And we can trust that he is good.

“Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14

It is because of his goodness that art happens here. Inspired by his beautiful creation, I paint. He created each of us with a uniqueness that often goes unnoticed in a time where the world has more to say about success than God. Instead of chasing after Him, we chase after dreams that aren’t even our own. If we’re not careful we let our priorities, our people, and our passions be defined by everything or everyone else but the One who created us.

It’s an unsettling way to live out life – someone else’s story. I’ve been there. I’ve done that. So let me encourage you to dig deep into God’s Word and discover the love he has for you and for all your little quirks and awkwardness. Don’t get me wrong. His love will change your heart but probably not the things that make you so unique. He wants to use those things! Even your quirks and awkward moments can glorify Him.

So, art lives here. So does a quirky and awkward girl that loves art, excel spreadsheets, coffee with friends and a God who loves every part of me.

Now about that heart change. First of all, notice I didn’t say circumstances change. (Though sometimes they do.) I’m talking about a heart that is content through our circumstances. A heart that has hope in the valley because deep down inside you trust a good, loving God will make a way and give you the strength to climb that mountain. And if not, he will move it.

Until later my friend, I’ve got a mountain to paint.

