Go Anyway

empty pews

“I will thank the Lord with all my heart as I meet with his Godly people. How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them.” Psalms 111:1-2

Going to church isn’t easy for everybody.  Even for me there was a time, many times, I simply put on a happy face to show up.  I am not sure who my happy face was for, me or “them” but it got me in the door. I smiled my way past the greeters and gave a nod to the ushers on my way to a seat where I took my place and waited for God to show up too.

And he does, every time.

He’ll show up for you too.

Before I give you my list of reasons to go anyway, let me share with you my own personal short list of reasons why I didn’t want to attend church. I am tired, busy, don’t fit in and not needed. I’ve been hurt, hassled and even hugged way too much.

The truth is, not  going to church is about me. But when going to church is about G O D, I see things differently.

God gives me strength. (Matthew 11:28)

God adopted me into his family. (Ephesians 1:5)

God does not need me, but I need him. (Acts 14:24-28)

God heals all hurts. (Romans 8:35-37)

Love (my love made possible by God’s love) is the mark of the true Christian. (Romans 12:10-21)

The only way to walk into church with joy in your heart on Sunday is to have God on your mind every other day of the week. Share on X

As I look back on my week and humbly acknowledge God’s goodness and grace, I can walk into church and delight in him! Church is full of broken people, and I am one of them. When I take my eyes off myself, and look to God, he helps me to see clearly through his Word.

We are all broken.

We are in it together.

God can handle it.

Whatever your “it” may be, do not let it keep you from meeting with God’s people and praising him. Praise will change your heart, and change your mind about going to church.

Thank you, Jesus, for helping me to find joy in praising your name with genuine love for one another.
It is by your grace I am R E M A D E , Becky.