What Are You Counting Down For?

Countdowns create excitement for the big day! We write in our personal calendars, download the latest apps, and even display fancy little chalkboards as we record and wait for the coming day. Our mind is focused on one thing, one day, one moment in time.

Just in the last few days, I’ve kept a countdown to the last day of school, of course Christmas, and the big day – our daughter’s wedding. Mixed emotions have poured over the last few days leading up to the long-awaited “best day ever.”

As I am counting down the days with uncertainty that I will get it all done (and good enough), a friend reminded me, “You’ve got nothing to worry about, you’ve prayed for this her whole life.” She is right.  Now as the day grows closer, I keep reminding myself that my daughter’s wedding is a marriage of God’s children and he has planned their marriage perfectly.

It is easy to get distracted in the preparation for the celebration and forget that the coming day is not about making it beautiful but making it God’s.

It’s easy to get distracted as we look forward the coming of Jesus too. We forget there is a final countdown going on and the every-day stress of life gets the best of us and everyone around us.

“while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed.” Titus 2:13

Our father in heaven is preparing for his children truly the best day ever.  How do we even begin to prepare for the coming of our Lord? God’s word in the book of Titus tell his children to live with purpose and eternity in mind.

We often strive to make our lives beautiful and show the world a picture of how blessed we are. If we are not careful, we fall into a comparison trap wondering if God’s blessings passed us by because our lives are not filled with the same “beautiful things.” We may even question God’s care for us as we struggle to get through one more day as we wait for Christ’s return.

The countdown to eternity my friend is not about what the world gives, but what God gave – his perfect son, Jesus. By his grace, we can live with the hope of his return. In the meantime, as his children, we are called to living a life that is not perfect but redeemed. And because we are redeemed, we are called to live a life doing good for the gospel of Christ.

“Doing good” can be as difficult as planning the perfect wedding. We can take in the advice of the know-it-all experts and rely on the latest news, but the scripture is clear – doing what is good and what is right is found in the Word of God. We can’t do it on our own, we won’t do it perfectly, but the Spirit and his Word will guide us.

Pray with me today!

Thank you God for putting eternity in my heart, and sending your son Jesus to redeem my soul. Forgive me when I get caught up in the countdown to life as if this life is all that matters. Instead, may I live with the hope of your return and do good in your eyes so that others may hope in you, here and for eternity.

For it is in Christ that my life is R E M A D E, Amen.