Missing Christmas Eve

woman on bench

“Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.” Ephesians 3:17

Until just a few years ago, there wasn’t a Christmas Eve where I didn’t huddle around at the feet of my dad and listen to him read the story of the birth of Christ. My dad has a voice that sounds like it came straight out of an old-time radio show.  Year after year, our children shared in the tradition, sitting on our laps, drawn in by the mystery – the story of Christmas. Admittedly, we listened anxiously waiting to hear the final verse so we could finally open the gifts my mom piled neatly under the tree.

When we moved from home, I didn’t really think too much about missing Christmas Eve. This year as I countdown the days, I am a little overwhelmed with a homesick heart.

I wonder if Mary, mother of Jesus, longed to be with her family as she traveled to Bethlehem the night before Jesus was born? Did she long to be a mere child again, as the responsibility of giving life, of raising the Savior of the world was on her?

Perhaps Mary was homesick too. Anticipating the birth of Jesus, the scriptures tell us that she sang praises to the Most High. She rejoiced in God her Savior and remembered the great things he had done for her. (Luke 1:49)

I am so thankful for the memories with family on Christmas Eve and the great things God has done. And though I am hundreds of miles away from much of our family, I can rejoice because the Savior of the world came down from Heaven and has made his home in my heart.

Turn back a few pages in Luke and read Mary’s song. (Luke 1:46-55) God gave her Jesus, and she rejoiced. Her circumstances weren’t perfect, but she knew that she could trust a loving and faithful God who sent his perfect Son to walk the earth and save our souls.

It is my hope and prayer that you trust him too. That this Christmas, you allow Jesus to make a home in your heart, where your roots will grow deep in his love and he will keep you strong. May he always be with you, even when you are far from home.

Thank you Jesus for making a home in my heart, when at Christmas home seems so far away.

I rejoice in the life of your Son, born to give me a life R E M A D E, Becky.