For This Child I Prayed, Then Plan Her Wedding

wedding planner

“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore, I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord.” 1 Samuel 1:27-28

Three weeks from today, my baby girl will be walking the aisle.  The third daughter, the third wedding in six short years. I am not sure how I’ve kept my sanity. If you ask my family, they will tell you I’ve had a little break down, here and there, each wedding.

Weddings can be expensive, they require planning, budgeting, resource management (there’s a lot of stuff), spreadsheets and whiteboards with weekly tasks. Hello project management days gone by!

More than anything, planning a wedding and being mother of the bride requires prayer and grace. From every little detail leading up to the wedding day to the big decisions you make along the way, be on your knees giving it all over to the Lord. As he guides you on the path of planning, and more importantly the ponderings of your heart over your child, you will hear the Lord’s tender words, it will be okay.

When you mess up the details, it will be okay. No one will ever know.

When you feel alone, it will be okay. God will never leave you or forsake you.

When you are crying and don’t know why, it will be okay. God’s grace is sufficient for you and for your children.

When you can’t give them everything the world says a wedding should be, it will be okay. If your daughter is a child of the One True King (and her groom is His child too), she has all she needs.

“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her; ‘Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.’ “ Proverbs 31:28-29

There is no other time that I have felt more called to be every bit of that Proverbs 31 woman than when planning a daughter’s wedding and preparing to give her away. But the truth is, I gave her away a long time ago – to the Lord. And he has been faithful.

He will be faithful in her future too.

Thank you Lord for giving me the honor of being Mother of the Bride to three beautiful daughters.

I trust in you for their life R E M A D E.