All My Needs and Money Too


“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

This verse is scripted on my heart. For a long time, I carried it around on a notecard as a reminder that I need not worry. God will meet my every need.

God, not me.

God, not my husband.


I bought into the lie that if I needed it then it was up to me to get it.  It – was money, or anything money could buy. I had seen money let down my parents so many times when I was young that I filled out most every sweepstakes that landed in our mailbox. With hopeful expectations, I thought this time is it. Me and money. We had a love-hate relationship.

Every once in a while, I would play the what if game. What if my parents actually won? Where would I be now? Young and married with children, I didn’t believe I was asking God for much. We weren’t well off. I stayed home with the kids while Michael worked hard earning a living. When there wasn’t enough, he seemed so at ease. I seemed (was) a little crazy with worry and blame. Over the years I became the master saver, spender and entrepreneur. Most of the time it worked.

Exhausted from trying, I finally gave up the fight, at least within. Instead I picked a fight with my husband (God bless him) over everything money. That didn’t work either. Finally, I began to hear the Spirit speaking to my heart.

I never questioned my love for God. Perhaps I should have. The truth is I was guilty of loving money. Not because I longed for designer clothes, fancy vacations and a big house (I didn’t at all.) But, because I placed my security in money, not Christ.

God had my attention. Trusting money over the Master left me hanging on at the end of my proverbial rope. As always, God was there waiting for me to grasp the truth of his Word.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

One simple verse started a change in my heart. My trust in money slowly went away and was replaced by trust in the One who owns it all to begin with. My definition of “needs” changed too. I didn’t need money, I needed to look to Christ Jesus for all the riches that had nothing to do with money.

As I write and share, I feel a little ashamed of my past relationship with the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) But this story has a happy ending.

The riches I have received while learning to put my faith in God for all things, have nothing to do with money. Yes, I’ve have some unbelievable stories about God’s hand in our finances and praise Him for his faithfulness, but… the story that I want to shout out from the rooftop is that God fills every deep down need.

Only God can.

Only God will.

Will you let him meet all  your needs through Christ Jesus?

Thank you Jesus for meeting all my needs and for my trust in you R E M A D E, Becky.