Saying Yes


“The Lord said to Abraham, ‘Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you.’” Genesis 12:1

When I tell people how many different schools I attended from kindergarten through twelfth grade, they usually ask if my dad was in the military. “No, we were Gypsies,” I tell them.  Sometimes I get a laugh. Usually people are puzzled. I don’t know that I ever really asked or wondered why we moved so much. It just seemed like it’s what we did. It was hard at times, but I am thankful for the gypsy-genes my dad passed on.

A little over six years ago, I made another move.  This time it wasn’t so easy. I’m the mom now, and it hurt to see my children hurt by our move from Kentucky and Indiana to Texas. We left behind two kids in college, our parents, sisters and the simple comfort of familiarity. People still ask why.

This time (sometimes) I tell them “God told us to.” I have to admit I like seeing the reaction to my answer for such curious question. With a chuckle, the door usually opens for a better story.

Saying yes to God is a blessing.

Abram and Sarai said yes. God said pick up your things and go. He promised them a blessing and they lived happily ever after, right? Not really. Read Genesis 11 through 25 and you will find that their life of faith, and saying yes over and over again, was not easy.

It isn’t always easy for me (us) either.

When we say yes, we are surrendering our hearts fully to him. We give up all control over our plans in exchange for going where he says go and passing what seems like a never-ending test of life.

If saying yes is so hard, and God’s plans for you are even harder, then why say yes?

When we say yes to God, He is our reward.

“After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.’” Genesis 15:1

Dear friend, you may never know the fullness of his grace until you say yes to Him.  Just what kind of blessings you will receive, I cannot say. But I can tell you that saying yes to him will grow your faith, draw you nearer to God, and the blessings you receive will overflow to others.

Thank you Jesus, for moving me to a life R E M A D E, Becky.