When Warriors Hide

butterfly cocoon

“But you look fine,” they tell me.  And I am thankful I do! But I am not fine. Life with lupus is hard. There is not a day that goes by that I am free from the struggles chronic illness brings into my life and the life of my family.

They don’t call us lupus warriors for nothing.

I am no longer super mom extraordinaire, relentless go-getter, or the life of the party. (Okay, I was never that.) It’s good-bye to the long hikes I once loved and hello to mountains that seem impossible to climb. I spend thousands on doctors instead of dreamy vacations and often take the entire weekend to recover just so I can face Monday morning again.

We are not alone.

Though we may not share in the same battle, I am sure you’ve had your share of the fight. We are not alone.

Even so, It’s not often I share much about how I am feeling. I usually hide it. If you ask me how I am, like most people in the middle of a struggle, I will tell you “I’m good.”

Warriors sometimes hide.

David, killer of giants, warrior king to a nation, a man after God’s own heart, hid.

“David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam.” 1 Samuel 22:1

David was on the run from a jealous king, Saul. He had nowhere to go, so he headed into new and dangerous territory. Just before David escaped to the cave, he met up with the enemy. In fear of his life from the King of Gath, David pretended to be insane so that he would be freed from danger.

The enemy may drive you into hiding, but God will use your hiding place to prepare you for his purpose. Share on X

God did not leave David alone in that cave. Nor did he leave him there without a purpose. David’s family joined him in hiding, as did 400 men who were facing trials of their own.

“All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred were with him.” 1 Samuel 23:3

Can you imagine how he felt as hundreds of men entered his hiding place to join him in his battle?

Now four hundred and one.

“Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather bout me because of your goodness to me.” Psalm 142:7

God was preparing David for battle and he provided him with exactly what and who he needed to accomplish his plan.

Praise and cry out to God.

David could have turned the men away. He could have told them “you have no idea what I am going through.” He could have run to another cave, another hiding place. But he didn’t.

He praised God. He cried out to God. He trusted God’s goodness and his grace.

God didn’t wait until David was over his struggled to use him. He started in the struggle. In the middle of his fear, in the middle of his pain, God worked in David and used him to work in others.

God is always as work. I have to ask myself, will I allow God to work in my hiding place, then send me out for his purpose. Will you?

The four hundred and one didn’t remain in that cave. They left together with victory in their hearts and waited on the Lord for his guidance and his provision.

We’re in this together.

Dear friend, I don’t know what you are going through. And I won’t pretend to. But I do know we are not alone. God is bringing us together, so we can share in our struggles, share in our faith and go out from our hiding place to fight the battle – together.

I hope you join me. God is with us.


If you want to learn more about lupus, visit lupus.org