Pasture of the Hills 72dpi
Becky Reeder

Becky paints in hopes that the viewer will see outside him or herself to the Creator and explore the Word and His world as they encounter the “Quiet Evidence” of an immovable Redeemer.


Becky is a native Midwesterner who has found her way to Texas, now making a home in Wichita Falls. Known as an artist in her early years, she joyfully picks up her paint brushes again after raising four children.

Working in an impressionistic style with oils, Becky captures the beautiful landscapes she has seen and loved.  Painting the lands and skies from her travels across the miles, it is her hope that the viewer will see him or herself to the Creator and explore the Word and His world as they encounter the “Quiet Evidence” of an immovable Redeemer.

Becky paints with a limited color palette and is drawn toward strong composition. Her paintings are developed through much planning as she draws thumbnail sketches and performs color studies to guide the final piece and to depict the landscape as she sees it.

For prints, the process is more technical. Using color matching technology and the trained eye, Becky works to deliver prints that reflect the original painting in detail. Becky uses the finest art papers and archival inks to create lasting reproductions from her studio. Not only does she take great care to create quality prints for her collectors, but also for artworks created by fellow artists.


“Quiet Evidence” Solo Exhibition at The Forum, Wichita Falls

This exhibit features the lands and skies from her travels in Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Texas. Becky paints in hopes that the viewer will see outside him or herself to the Creator and explore the Word and His world as they encounter the “Quiet Evidence” of an immovable Redeemer.


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