Listen and Remember

woman headphones

“You gave your good Spirit to instruct them. You did not withhold your manna from their mouths, and you gave them water for their thirst. For forty years you sustained them in the wilderness; they lacked nothing, their clothes did not wear out nor did their feet become swollen.” Nehemiah 9:20-21

I always tell people, “we drive God cars.” Somehow, someway, they never wear out. And it’s not because we relentlessly pamper them with frequent oil changes, engine checkups and weekly washes. In fact, that engine light has been on in our truck for years!

We are not free from car troubles, but no one has ever turned us down for a ride and we have great memories of road trips where we thought we wouldn’t make it home, and we did.

We’ve lacked nothing.

But sometimes, I still complain. I wish for more.

When God has provided in so many ways (I’m not just talking about cars now), how could I forget?

The same God that parted the sea, provided manna from heaven and water from stones, was forgotten by his own people. They wore clothes that did not wear out and though they wandered for 40 years, their feet did not swell.

In their wanderings they failed to see the wonder. But, because of His great compassion he did not abandon them.

Why is it that God’s children whom he cares for and loves so deeply, can so easily forget his faithfulness?

Why is it that I can?

“But they, our ancestors, became arrogant and stiff-necked, and they did not obey your commands. They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery“ Nehemiah 9:16-17

God’s chosen people were arrogant and stiff-necked. Simply stubborn, refusing to listen.

Sometimes, we want our own way so badly that we refuse to see that God is at work and acknowledge that his work is for our good. As we wander aimlessly trying to find our way, we too refuse to listen.

God wants to shape us through our personal wilderness. But we’ve got to let him.

We must listen and remember.

Through his Word and his Spirit, God speaks to us.

God shows us the way in our wanderings, when we pay attention to his work. Share on X

The next time something fails or falls short of my expectations, like my car, I need to remember, we do indeed drive God cars. And when life gets more serious than car troubles, I need to remember, God has been faithful in all things and he will be faithful in this too.

He is faithful in our finances.
He is faithful in our fragile relationships.
He is faithful in our failing bodies.
He is faithful in our future.

As you face the next hard thing, listen to God through the reading of his Word and give him your attention. Seek him in prayer. Remember his faithfulness. And if you’ve forgotten and failed to do so, it’s not too late to soften your stubborn soul. He has not and will not abandon you.