From Rogue to Righteous

girl hiding

Her situation was desperate, but her strength overcame it. Rahab, the harlot, most likely entered a life of prostitution at a young age. Trapped in the city of Jericho, where no one comes in and no one comes out, she was tough, street smart and brave. Perhaps she dreamt of marriage, of happily ever after. Or maybe she kept herself from dreaming every young girl’s dream.  Born into a family of an idolatrous nation, Rahab didn’t stand a chance, or at least most people would think she didn’t.

Can you relate? Maybe you’ve not led a life of prostitution, but are convinced your life is one that doesn’t stand a chance? Keep reading. Rahab knew the stories of a hope-filled nation and their God who provides, protects, and parts the sea to make a way for his people. Filled with the same hope, Rahab’s life made a turn-around. Yours can too.

Rahab’s story is found in Joshua 2 through 6.  If you haven’t read her story and the story of the battle of Jericho, you are missing out! Drama, danger and dedication. The life-changing events that took place over a little more than three weeks will make your heart skip a beat. The ending to her story is one of victory, but how? How did Rahab go from rogue to righteous?

Rahab revered the Lord.

“And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no spirit left in any man because of you, for the Lord your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.” Joshua 2:11

Rahab’s heart melted. She knew from the depths of her soul that the God of Israel, was God over all. Even though Rahab knew nothing other than a life of idol worship in a perverse land, the one true God made himself known to her. And she chose him.

Even if we fall into the “she doesn’t stand a chance” category, we have a choice. Share on X

God may make himself known to you in a powerful way, or it may be a soft whisper to your heart, but he will make himself known.  The question is, will you choose to follow him. It won’t be easy, you will face opposition, just like Rahab did. But if you trust him to make a way, he will part waters so that you can journey with him.

Rahab waited in faith.

“By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies.” Hebrews 11:31

Rahab knew the spies served the God of Israel, the enemy of her homeland. She knew a battle was before her but she didn’t fall to fear.  She had faith, believing if she did what was right by the Lord, she would be saved.

“Now then, please swear to me by the Lord that, as I have dealt kindly with you, you also will deal kindly with my father’s house, and give me a sure sign that you will save alive my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them, and deliver our lives from death.” Joshua 2:12-13

Notice she said, “swear to me by the Lord.” Not your God, not the God over your people, but the Lord.  The original text in ancient scriptures translates Yehovah, meaning the One True God.  Rahab called the Lord by his name. She knew she was not alone, he was her Lord.

It was faith that allowed her to fearlessly face the king’s men as the spies hid beneath her rooftop. It was through faith that she lied and sent the spies away to serve the Lord.

“But Rahab the prostitute and her father’s household and all that belonged to her, Joshua saved alive. And she has lived in Israel to this day, because she hid the messengers who Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.” Joshua 6:25

Rahab waited 22 days as the army of God prepared to defeat Jericho.  For six days she heard the army blow their trumpets and march around the walls of her city. On the seventh and final day, the march grew longer. She could have fled in fear, she could have betrayed the Lord and pleaded for her life with the king of Jericho, but she didn’t.  She waited in faith with a scarlet cord hanging from her window. And she was saved.

Rahab allowed God to use her, regardless of her past.

Rahab left with the people of Israel that day.  We know little more about her, except that she married one of the spies and gave birth to a son, Boaz. Remember, Rahab was a prostitute in a perverse land.  She made poor choices, probably the only ones she knew at the time.

It is likely she had never seen a successful marriage, or even thought she would live a life other than one in bondage as a prostitute. But as God showed her a way, she followed, and he blessed her. Her marriage to Salmon the spy, and the birth of her son Boaz, began a generation of God-followers and ancestors to Jesus, the Savior.

Rahab is mentioned as a person of great faith in Hebrews 11.  She shares this honor with Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David and others that may seem a more likely fit for the work of God.  But don’t be fooled. God blesses and uses those who choose to put their faith in him and follow. Even those who don’t stand a chance.