Not My Usual Self

woman praying

I planned to get a post up at the start of 2021, and here we are – three weeks in. Honestly, I’m not sure what to say. I hope you all are well, healthy and happy. But I know that most of us have experienced great loss in the last year. If that is you, I am so sorry. My heart hurts for you. It’s hard to pick up the pieces. If you are like me, you’re not your usual self.

I’m not sure we are supposed to be like we were before. If I know anything, I know God uses our suffering to change us. If you could play along with me and fill in the blanks, please stay with me. Here it goes… I used to be _____, but know I am _____. For me, it sounds something like this – I used to be sure of my ability to make things happen, but now I am fully reliant on God – for everything. 

Suffering Changes Us

I don’t do it perfectly – rely on God. Today I almost ran out and adopted a kitten to soothe my soul, but instead made chocolate cookies. It’s okay to have days where we aren’t jumping for joy over our circumstances. But we can jump for joy over our Savior. God is full of grace and welcomes our baby steps back to him. Yes, baby steps. That is where I am at with most of life. I hope you’ll come along with me. And enjoy a little art along the way.

He is Still Here

Speaking of art, I’m excited, scared, overwhelmed – and relying on God. These next couple months I am working on a new collection inspired by all the different places God takes us as we walk with Him and some of my own travels down dirt roads. The little cedar tree pictured is just a sneak peek. I am hoping and praying you will see God’s glory in every painted canvas.

In the meantime, please stay well. And remember, though still nothing seems certain right now, God’s presence is. He is still here.

